Marietta Noon Lions Club

Marietta Noon Lions Club

Updated August 2, 2023

July 11, 2023

Our very own Sara Camacho had her “elect” ribbon pulled at the International Convention today as she was formally sworn in as District Governor of OH-7. We haven’t had a DG from our club in over 60 years!

Congrats, Sara! Thank you for your dedication and leadership.
Sara Comacho District Governor of OH-7 2023

July 14, 2023

Check out our Lions sign! This was donated by our Immediate Past President, Greg Ingram, and his wife, Mary. It now hangs in the Historic Lafayette Hotel where we have our club meetings on Friday’s at noon.

New Lions Sign in Lobby of Lafayette Hotel 2023

Golf Scramble at Oxbow Golf Course in Belpre OH on August 12, 2023

Golf Scramble August 12,2023 at Oxbow Golf Course Belpre OH

2023 Officer Installation Dinner and Annual Award Ceremony

The club gathered on June 25th for our annual award ceremony and officer installation dinner. Outgoing President, Greg Ingram, reflected on a great year of service to the community and honored several Lions with awards. The baton was passed with the installation of the new officers for 2023-2024. Here’s to another great year of Lionism headed by incoming-President, Bob Byers.

Award Recipients:
* Bridge of Heroes Honors: Steve Stormes, Bob Byers, Bob Ferguson
* Dick Bryan Award: Larry Hawn
* Melvin Jones Award: Rebecca Johnson
* Journey of Hope Award: Jennifer Greene
* Cub of the Year Award: Sidney Marshall
* Lion of the Year Award: Jennifer Greene and Kyle Burnworth

Our club is a service club – and our members often epitomize our motto of: We Serve!
Thank you Kristi, one of our new members, for having such a giving heart!A hero twice over: US paramedic saves lives of two people in one family. Kristi Hadfield saved John Cunningham, a military veteran, in 2016 and years later, donated a kidney to his daughter, Molly

Read her full story here:

Kristi Hadfield
Bridges of Heroes Sponsors 2023
They are up and they are beautiful 🇺🇸
If you are interested in sponsoring a flag in honor of your veteran, please reach out to
Helen Keller is special to Lions – because she helped give us a purpose! As an early service organization, we were serving our individual community needs, like we do today – but no unified mission. Helen Keller addressed an auditorium full of men asking them to become Knights for the Blind – and they heartily accepted her charge.
Since 1925, Lions around the world have been addressing the needs of those with visual impairments around the world. Ohio Lions have led the way in creating vision solutions like soft contact lenses, advancements in research for macular degeneration, and River Blindness.
Hellen Keller and Lions
We are continuing to accept sponsorships and will do until sold out. 
Please download the order form here :
The Bridge of Heroes project was established to honor our community’s military veterans and service members. The flags are displayed on the Putnam Street bridge in Marietta during the weeks of Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day.
Community members are invited to sponsor a flag in honor or memory of their favorite veteran. Sponsorships for the 2023 Bridge of Heroes are $100 and include all three holidays. Each flag will have a tag that includes the name of the veteran/service member, as well as the name of the person, group, or business that purchased the sponsorship.
Sponsorships will be available until sold out.

2023 Meeting Schedule

  *Lunches and Board Meetings are held at the Lafayette Hotel in Marietta, OH.    *Lunches are at 12 noon on Fridays and Board Meetings are at 6 pm on Wednesdays.

July 21 – Lunch – Val Holley
July 22 – Christmas In July Parade
July 28 – Lunch – Greg Ingram
August 2 – Board Meeting & Dinner
August 11 – Lunch – Becca Johnson

August 12 – Golf Scramble
August 18 – Lunch – Bill Mannix
August 25 – Lunch – Sidney Marshall
August 26 – Roadside Clean Up
September 16 – STEPS 5K Run/Walk

May 4, 2023

The Marietta Noon Lions Club is proud to support local youth like the Marietta Tigers Youth Football K-6th Grade!
We recently awarded two $1,500 scholarships, participated in the Marietta Earth Day Celebration, and we were a major donor toward the Silent Battle memorial, which will be dedicated this weekend at Gold Star Park in Marietta, Ohio. From eye glasses, to local youth, to veterans initiatives, the environment, and pediatric cancer #WeServe
Wow! We are fortunate to have local organizations and businesses that share and support our mission. What a remarkable contribution our local Lions Club made in support of our youth football teams! Your contribution will make a huge impact on the lives of so many youth athletes in our community. We couldn’t do it without your support and we thank-you for that! From all of us at the Tigers Youth Football Team, THANK-YOU!
When like minded individuals come together in support of a common cause, we can move mountains! Thank you Marietta Noon Lions!

April 28, 2023 , we had a full house for a presentation from PID Steve Sherer and Lion Mary Ellen from the Dover, Ohio Lions Club, on behalf of the International Lions Pin Traders Association.

We hosted PID Larry Johnson and Lion Rachel from the Lions Club of Parkersburg as well, who are also avid pin collectors!
We also had the honor of presenting our 56 year member, Delmar Doan, with the Lions Club District OH 7 PDG Association Lion of the Year award, by DGe Sara Camacho.
Sarah and Delmar April 2023
steve sherer april 2023
April 21, 2023 Meeting,  we were honored to have Peoples Bank Theatre and Peoples Bank join us for lunch!
Hunt Brawley gave us the history and upcoming shows for the Theatre.
We were also able to honor People’s Bank with a Thank You plaque for their sponsorship for Bridge of Heroes last
Peoples Bank Presentation 4/21/2023
Peoples Bank Presentation 4/21/2023

March 2023 District Convention

Many of our members had a great weekend at the District Convention, celebrating our service and accomplishments.
A big congratulations to Lion Kyle Burnworth, who was awarded the Zone 6 Lion of the Year! This is a huge honor, and well deserved! A big congratulations to Lion Sidney Marshall, who was honored with the New Voices Service Award. This also was a well deserved award for this new lion!
Our club was also honored with many awards for our service to others, and other lions!
Congratulations DGE Sara Camacho on your election as District Governor of 13OH7
Sara Camacho

Recent Posts

About the Pantry Project

This small, outdoor pantry is mainly for the homeless. A place to get a quick meal or snack to take with them. It is a Marietta Noon Lions project and is currently funded with personal donations and the Marietta Noon Lions. It is located on the porch of the Boys and Girls Club of Marietta OH

Please consider making a donation of food or cash.

Pantry Project Refill Photos

Together We Can – Join the Lions

Lions Vision – Make a Difference

Lions Hunger – Make a Difference

Lions Diabetes – Make a Difference

Lions Childhood Cancer – Make a Difference

The Mariettta Noon Lions Club welcomes any interested person as a member. 

  If you are interested in joining us or would just like to attend a meeting to see what it’s all about,
contact our secretary.

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Marietta Noon Lions

For more than 90 years, whenever there has been a need at home or around the world, members of the Marietta Noon Lions Club have been there to help.  We are a group of local men and women who work together to benefit our community and the world. Service projects that the Marietta Noon Lions contribute to include:

Ohio Lions Eye Bank
Ohio Lions Pilot Dog Program
Scholarships for local high school seniors
Sight saving programs
Secret Santa, EVE, Children’s Services
Halloween parade
Food drive for local food bank

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