New Officers 2024
Marietta Noon Lions Club
Posted on by Pat Walter
Today, June 30th, we had our annual installation of officers and outgoing presidents awards!
DG Sara and Lion Fergie installed this “ruff” board of officers by assigning each office a specific dog breed based on their duties.
Outgoing President Bob Byers honored the following Lions with awards:
Presidential Appreciation: Kyle Burnworth Ohio Lions Eye Bank Helen Keller Award: Jennifer Greene
Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation Leadership Award: Bob Hadfield
Ohio Lions Pediatric Cancer Foundation Journey of Hope: Kristi Hadfield
Cub of the Year: Shelly Stormes
Melvin Jones Fellowship: Brandon Burnworth
Lion of the Year Award: Steve Stormes
Congratulations to all (including a few that will be awarded later) and
Best of luck to Lion President Jennifer Greene as our 100th President!