August 7, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
August 7, 2024 Lions in Attendance: St. Stormes, Sh. Stormes, S. Camacho, J. Schneider, G. Ingram, B. Burnworth, K. Burnworth, J. Greene, L. Hawn, B. Hadfield, K. Hadfield, T. Henderson, O. Cartmell, K. Boersma, L. Peterson (via Zoom), T. Davis (via Zoom), and S. Marshall (via Zoom) Old Business: Save the Date – 100th Anniversary Celebration – Lion J. Greene said she thinks she did have communication from Lion B. Ferguson that he’d sent the final payment to secure the venue, but we’ll follow up on that. The committee met recently and everything is coming along. The event is on Sunday, October 13th. Social Hour will be from 4-5, Dinner from 5-6, with the program/presentations starting at 6. The caterer will likely be Marietta College with an Italian buffet, including appetizers and desserts. Projected cost is $25/person and there will be a cash bar. Speakers will include IPID Ron Keller, Lion M. Buell, Lion, B. Ferguson. If you have Lions memorabilia that we can use for the 100th, please give it to Lion Sh. Stormes who has agreed to handle that portion for the 100th. She will have a bin at the Lions building labeled for the 100th if it’s easier for people to drop items off there. Washington Electric CoOp Family Fun Day – Lion J. Schneider said it was a great event. He was assigned to child games and that was okay until the ax throwing truck arrived. J Lion J. Greene said the employees all had a great time and she was grateful for our help. Lion K. Burnworth said the $250 check for our work did arrive at the PO Box. New Business: Steps 5K; Lion S. Camacho said she is the Executive Director for OLPCF after the former director was elected to council chair. The STEPS and district project brought in over $5,000 last year and ,with all of the other contributions, it was over $15,000 for the year. They’ve added a Journey of Hope Fellowship for $300 which directly impacts the gas card program. Donations to OLPCF can be designated toward that or the Journey of Hope Award. Last year we chose to be a silver sponsor for the STEPS walk as part of our budgeted annual OLPCF giving since this event also means our club is listed on the printed tshirts and marketing materials for the event. Lion B. Burnworth made a motion … Read More