November 2, 2022 Board Meeting
Last night, we had a big board meeting!
- We donated $1,500 to the Silent Battle Memorial that will be placed at Gold Star Park – a statute that is being placed in honor of veterans afflicted with PTSD and those families who have been affected by veteran suicide – Marietta is the first site to have a permanent memorial/statute.
- We did our annual giving to our charitable organizations in Ohio that we believe in: Ohio Lions Foundation, Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation, Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank, Diabetes Fund, Lions Club International Foundation, Eye Research Fund, Sight and Hearing Foundation – all at $500 each for a total of $3,500!
- We are going to be doing the holidays proud by sponsoring a tree (chair K. Burnworth) at the Tree Walk, a downtown light pole decorations, a float in the lighted parade (chair S. Marshall), and we will be decorating the gazebo in Muskingum Park (chair TBD).
- In case you were unable to join us for rose pick-up, thanks to Lion Jeff Adkins for finding a taker of the OLD flag building! Lion Randy is most excited, as it means the building isn’t in giant pieces at his home awaiting a viking type funeral in flames.
Finally, we will be having a service project at the December board meeting – so please attend so we can sign holiday cards and stuff them with candy canes for the residents at Elison Nursing Home in Reno (they loved these last year) – thanks for funding this C&Y!