Board Meeting September 4, 2024
Lions in Attendance: B. Burnworth, L. Hawn, K. Boersma, R. Ferguson, G. Ingram, T. Davis, Sh. Stormes, K. Hadfield, B. Hadfield, T. Henderson, B. Byers, K. Burnworth, St. Stormes, J. Greene. Via Zoom: L. Peterson, P. Byers
Secretary Report: Lion K. Burnworth
The minutes from the August board meeting were emailed to the club. Lion B. Byers made a motion to accept the minutes. Lion L. Hawn seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Lion B. Byers
The treasurer’s figures were emailed prior to the board meeting with the Activity Fund at $45,603.99 & Admin Fund at $4,815.77. Lion L. Hawn made a motion to accept the report and Lion Sh. Stormes seconded the motion. The motion passed. Lion B. Byers said 2nd dues notices went out and we’re at about 65% of members paid. Lion Adam is still unable to drive – we may need to look at helping him with his dues. Lion B. Byers also expressed concern about the number of members we don’t see at meetings or events and the great need to try to draw them back into the mix so we don’t lose them.
Service Chair Report: Lion Sh. Stormes
Lion Sh. Stormes said today is the last day to turn in supplies for the teach drive. She also made a motion for $100 to buy additional supplies for the drive. This would come out of the Community and Youth fund. Lion K. Hadfield seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Lion Sh. Stormes said our District “Fall Into Service” project will be partnering with Marietta Main Streent to clean up the pollinator garden in Harmar Village on Fort Street on October 12th at 8am. Please invite others to join us. Wear long sleeves and pants and bring gloves, gardening tools (shovels, pruners, etc).
Lion Sh. Stormes said the District Project this year is My Very Own Blanket which are tie blankets that will already have a Lions label sewn on them for a child’s name, the blanket maker’s name, and a message. The blankets will be $12-$15 (not yet determined) and available to order online. She suggest we make 100 blankets in honor of our 100th. More to come on this project.
Lion Sh. Stormes said the State Level Service project is about college student food insecurity and food pantries. We do have food pantries at Washington State College of Ohio, Ohio University, and Marietta College and there are likely service opportunities there.
Lion Sh. Stormes also reminded us that she’d challenged each Lion to do 100 minutes of service each month in honor of our 100th and opened the floor for other Lions to share how they served over the past month.
Lion K. Burnworth said we did roadside cleanup on August 24th and will do our 4th and final pick up of the year in late October/early November—stay tuned.
2nd VP Report: Lion B. Hadfield
Bridge of Heroes Update: Lion B. Hadfield said the flags are going up for Patriot’s Day at 9am 9/4. We have several regulars out of town, so please come help if you can.
Golf Outing Recap: Lion K. Burnworth said had a great event and are only waiting on one more hole sponsor check that was promised and we made about $3,600.00. We did have a 50/50 and made $180 from it. Per Lions rules, 50% of it needs to be donated to a 501c3 charity and she was looking for suggestions for the $90 donation. Lion Sh. Stormes said we should donate it to the Washington State College of Ohio Food Pantry. Lion B. Ferguson seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Rose Sale Update: Lion T. Davis said we’re up to 315 dozen roses. Continue to sell and report your numbers by September 19th. She does have a call in to the Lafayette to see if we can use the hotel as a staging area/pick up point.
1st VP Report: Lion P. Byers via email
Sight saving 4 Applications, 3 approved , 0 denied, 1 referred & 0 pending.
District Eyeglass Trailer Donation Request – Lion J. Greene said we’d had a request at the District level for a donation toward a District Eyeglass Trailer purchase. The District found one for ~$1,500 and this will allow the eyeglass chair to store the district’s glasses in the trailer and haul it from meeting to meeting for collections instead of trying to find space in their own buildings/garages, especially since we collect about 30,000 pair of glasses annually from our district. Lion B. Ferguson moved to table the discussion. Lion B. Burnworth 2nd the motion.
President’s Report: Lion J. Greene said we hosted a very nice Zone Meeting on 8/22. She also wanted to let us know we were recognized at that meeting for earning a Journey of Hope and 2 Journey of Hope Fellowships for our donations to OLPCF raised by our bar crawl and our contribution to the STEPS 5K. Lion S. Haban presented at the Zone Meeting the rules of the Peace Poster Contest. Lion B. Johnson is handling that for our club and will be contacting local art teachers . Posters are due by November 2nd. A Citiizenship Essay Contest was presented at the District Cabinet meeting and is a way we can engage with youth in the community, as it’s an essay contest for grades 4-6 or 7/8th grades. We would work with a local teacher to have the students write essays, judge them, and present monetary awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and invite those students and their parents to a lunch or to be honored before a board meeting. She asked if this is something we’d want to do. Lion B. Byers made a motion to do this. Lion B Burnworth seconded the motion and the motion passed. Lion B. Burnworth will coordinate with the school. Lion J. Green said she also plans to do a Club Satisfaction Survey (International calls it a Club Quality Initiative) and Community Needs Assessment. Lion K. Boersma said many other organizations do community needs assessments and we might get that information from them rather than conduct our own. She also said that, while she understands the reason we got rid of the food trailer, it seems we no longer have a project where the community sees who Lions are. With the food trailer, the public could see all of us working in the trailer and know we were Lions. They also got some value for their purchase instead of us always asking for donations. She mentioned the Belpre Apple Butter Stir Off or Beverly Pancake Breakfasts—visible projects in those community where their Lions are seen. Several other members expressed concern about this, too, but didn’t have suggestions on what project could fill that void. Lion J. Greene suggested an exploratory committee to look into that. Lion B. Burnworth volunteered to lead the committee.
LCIF Coordinator: Lion O. Cartmell was not present, no report.
Community & Youth: Lion B. Burnworth
Lion B. Burnworth said he was forwarded the 3 Marietta Main Street item/events for Christmas and made a motion for us to do all 3 for a total of $240, which would be a tree in the park, a lamppost sponsorship, and a parade entry. Lion L. Hawn seconded the motion. Lion B. Burnworth volunteered his truck and trailer for the parade. Lion J. Greene said she didn’t want to commit to the parade if we didn’t have someone to chair it. Lion St. Stormes said we could decorate the trailer ahead of time at his house, he’s just not available to be at the parade that day. The motion passed.
Lion B. Burnworth also said that Lion K. Burnworth was right—we did double pay our soccer sponsorship. We paid it in the spring and then again this fall. The sponsorship of $250 covers both spring and fall, so we have a credit toward next year.
Membership (55) Lion J. Greene said that former Lion, Chris Rynd, emailed us to resign from the club. Lion B Burnworth made a motion to drop him in good standing. Lions B. Byers seconded the motion and the motion passed. Lion J. Greene said there is a +1 Initiative proposed by the district to end the year +1 member for the year and we will collectively work on that as a club. Lions St. Stormes asked if we ever invited old members back that had been dropped in good standing. Lion J. Greene said it’s a good idea and will look for a member list in MyLion.
Publicity: Lion S. Camacho was not present but Lion J. Greene did say to let Sara know if you have something to be publicized
Scholarship: Lion B. Ferguson does not have updated numbers at this time but he will remind members closer to December about year end donations to the fund and said we may talk in February about increasing the quantity or amount of the scholarships we sponsor. He said we should cross promote all donations opportunities when we speak to the community.
Old Business:
Save the Date – 100th Anniversary Celebration – Lion J. Greene said we have around 40 or so RSVPs for the dinner. The deadline for RSVPs either on Zeffy or via email to Lion S. Camacho is September 30th. Don’t forget to get the Lions Memorabilia to the building by the end of September and please label it if you want it back or you can take it with you the night of the event. Lion St. Stormes said he’s also willing to come pick up memorabilia from you if you can’t make it to a meeting or to the building. Lion J. Greene also reminded those who want to use Zeffy to RSVP, you do NOT have to donate the optional hosting fee that shows up at the end as you check out. If you don’t pay online, please give your checks to Lion B. Byers.
Pin Budget Request: Lion K. Burnworth said she’s got a finalized design for our 100th anniversary pin and 200 pins is a total of $614.00. She made a motion to approve this expense and Lion B. Burnworth seconded the motion. Lion B. Burnworth asked if the pins would be sold and Lion J. Greene said they will be given as favors to all attendees of the 100th Anniversary dinner and the rest will be for sale. Lion Sh. Stormes asked if the 200 was for a price break or if that was how many we’d really need/sell. The group confirmed there was enough interest in pins that 200 was a good number. The motion passed.
Steps 5K: Lion K. Burnworth reminded the club that the 5K is next Saturday and you can still register online to participate or just to reserve a tshirt and support a good cause. Lion S. Camacho is still looking for volunteers to help the day of the event, so if you’re available on the morning of 9/14 and can help, please reach out to Sara.
Club Shirt Order: Lion K. Burnworth said Lion S. Camacho is working to pull together info on this.
New Business:
District Cheese Sale – Lion K. Burnworth said the District is selling cheese again this year as a fundraiser for district convention. She volunteered to be the “Big Cheese” for our group again this year and will send out order information. She said she’d make the motion next month for the teacher meat/cheese tray donation. Deadline to Lion Mary Bumpus is October 14th so our deadline will be before that. Stay tuned for more information.
Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank Anniversary/Donation: Lion K. Burnworth said that COLEB is celebrating their 50th Anniversary in Columbus on October 24th and Lions from our club are invited to join. For a $500 donation, clubs will have their logo on the entry banner and acknowledgment in the event publication. We already budget an annual $500 donation to COLEB, but we can get free marketing if we send it in early in time for the anniversary event. Lion E. Pazigg said he’d count them toward the award. Lion B. Burnworth made a motion to go ahead and send the $500 budgeted donation so we can get the free advertising. Lion K. Burnworth seconded the motion and the motion passed.
MD13 State Convention Sponsorship Opportunites: Lion J. Greene said we received a request from the State Lions for sponsorships toward the Centennial Knights of the Blind Speech Sponsor for State Convention next year to help keep convention costs down for individual attendees. No one made a motion to make a donation.
Halloween Parade/In the Park – Lion J. Greene asked the club if we had anyone willing to chair this event if we want to continue it for this year. No one at the meeting volunteered to chair it but there was discussion about how we all liked it better when it was a full parade ending in the park instead of just a walk from the cattle barn to the poultry/rabbit building. We tabled discussion until next meeting but Lion K. Burnworth will put out and email looking for chairperson volunteers.
Respectfully submitted, Secretary Lion K. Burnworth