About The Marietta Noon Lions
For more than 90 years, whenever there has been a need at home or around the world, members of the Marietta Noon Lions Club have been there to help. We are a group of local men and women who work together to benefit our community and the world. Service projects that the Marietta Noon Lions contribute to include:
Ohio Lions Eye Bank
Ohio Lions Pilot Dog Program
Scholarships for local high school seniors
Sight saving programs
Secret Santa, EVE, Children’s Services
Halloween parade
Food drive for local food pantries
The Marietta Noon Lions club is a part of Lions Clubs International, the world’s largest service organization with 46,000 clubs, and nearly 1.35 million men and women in nearly 200 countries.
“We Serve” – Since October 1924 the Marietta Noon Lions has followed this inspiring international motto. In various ways over the years we are proud to say our club has risen over $1,000,000 for various charities. Our largest single expenditure has been buying eyeglasses for those who could not buy their own. Our membership is 75+ and our members consist of educators, business owners, retirees and more. We meet each Friday at noon at the Lafayette Hotel and invite you to attend as our guest.
November 2, 2022 Board Meeting
- We donated $1,500 to the Silent Battle Memorial that will be placed at Gold Star Park – a statute that is being placed in honor of veterans afflicted with PTSD and those families who have been affected by veteran suicide – Marietta is the first site to have a permanent memorial/statute.
- We did our annual giving to our charitable organizations in Ohio that we believe in: Ohio Lions Foundation, Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation, Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank, Diabetes Fund, Lions Club International Foundation, Eye Research Fund, Sight and Hearing Foundation – all at $500 each for a total of $3,500!
- We are going to be doing the holidays proud by sponsoring a tree (chair K. Burnworth) at the Tree Walk, a downtown light pole decorations, a float in the lighted parade (chair S. Marshall), and we will be decorating the gazebo in Muskingum Park (chair TBD).
- In case you were unable to join us for rose pick-up, thanks to Lion Jeff Adkins for finding a taker of the OLD flag building! Lion Randy is most excited, as it means the building isn’t in giant pieces at his home awaiting a viking type funeral in flames.
“Falling into Service” for Eve
Annual Halloween Parade
Join us on Saturday, October 29 at 11:15 a.m. at the Junior Fair Building at the Washington County Fairgrounds!
We’re excited to host this 95+ year project annually, and love to see all of your creativity!
See you, and your little ghosts and goblins, soon!
Annual Rose Sale
Officers for 2021-2022
Officers for 2021 – 2022
President: Rebecca Johnson
1st Vice President: Greg Ingram
2nd Vice President: Lexi Feldner
3rd Vice President: Jennifer Greene
Secretary: Sara Camacho
Treasurer: Peggy Byers
Membership: Sara Camacho
Tail Twister: Mike Buell & Steve Medley
Lion Tamer: Mike Boersma
Dues/Invoicing: Clint Holley
Immediate Past President: Steve McCarthy
Lions Club International Foundation Coordinator: Ohlen Cartmell
Melvin Jones Board Member: Bob Ferguson
Directors: Larry Hawn, Brandon Burnworth, Donna Fairchild, Randy Burnworth, Jonathan Latiak
January 26, 2021
Last night we had the pleasure of hosting Lion Jason Brosius of the Reynoldsburg Lions Club and CEO of the Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank to learn more about their efforts on sight saving in Ohio. Lions across our state have been supporting our Eye Bank for almost 50 years.
Marietta Noon Lions are proud supporters of our Eye Bank, their research efforts, and how they are changing lives through the gift of sight, one corneal donation, transplant, and surgery at a time.
December 10, 2021
Full meetings means we are full of service!
Today we had the honor of welcoming in two more new Lions to our Pride! 1st VDG Mary Laird Bumpus installed Kyle Burnworth and Ryan Osborne! We are so proud to have them with us, and can’t wait to see what kinds of new ideas they bring to us!
1st VDG Mary also won a 14 “carrot” necklace in the tail twister drawing! We can’t wait to see her sporting that at convention!
Finally, we wished Peter Nicholson, our saving grace and friend every week, a Merry Christmas and he repaid us with some genuine English chocolate! #WeServe
December 5, 2021
We are proud to work with our Leo’s in service, more and more!
Most recently, they collected socks for our Socks & Underwear Drive for Fall into Service! Marietta High School and Advisor Boothby help us continue to develop new leaders and future Lions!